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6 Replies
I have an openGL view displaying a scene. There are 33 triangular regions which the user can interact with. I divide these regions into small cursor rectangles so when the user moves the mouse over an active region the curser changes from the arrow to the open hand cursor.I can fix the thing by commenting out one line of code but then I lose the user feedback.
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5 Replies
I have added texturing and a lighting model to my sample code project. The new version, Play_Tonic may be downloaded at the link cited in the original post. I found creating textures from image files to be quite straightforward. For the lighting model I ported Example 7.4: Point-Light Source Lighting from the book OpenGL Programming Guide, Ninth Edition.
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Hey, thanks for the link. Picking is something on my list and he has a how to on that. I think I'll find the site very useful.
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I pefer to keep to keep the project repository private and upload snapshots of the project to the sample code repository.
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13 Replies
I'm working on an app that displays a MTKView and a NSTextView in a split screen. When the TextView is empty live resize works just fine, rescaling the MTKView real time. But when the TextView contains a lot of text such that the scroll bar is active the MTKView doesn't receive redraw commands during live resize. The image just streches during the resize and doesn't display correctly until the resize is over. So in my case I would say the problem is with the NSTextView or the NSScrollView which is doing something which blocks the refresh of the MTKView.
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2 Replies
I simply noted that the memory footprint shown in the XCode debugger slowly ticks up as the app runs to the tune of 3 or 4 MB a minute. I left an app I am working on run this evening while I watched my Cardinals defeat the vile Cubs. After the game the memory usage was up to 154 MB from 38 MB at launch. However, it seems to have leveled off at 154 MB. You're probably right. It's not a real memory leak and this is normal behavior.